Andrey Risukhin
he/him or they/them

University of Washington

I am a combined BS/MS student studying machine learning at the University of Washington. I specialize in computer vision and natural language processing, and am interested in user-adaptive models.

This website is both a resource for me and for communicating my identity in ways LinkedIn doesn't afford. I try update this site regularly.

About Me

I am an undergraduate researcher and teaching assistant in machine learning at the University of Washington. I expect to graduate my BS in December 2023 and my MS in December 2024.

This is my academic homepage. I am considering earning a PhD in machine learning, I'm currently improving transformer inference efficiency. I am continuing to refine my interests throughout the next year.

In addition to data and matrices I enjoy music, Lego designing and animating, and meeting people. I like to explore natural formations such as Yellowstone National Park, and occasionally play computer games. You can find me outside an academic setting at Parkruns.

My Lego content is found on DosBrosComix. In Yellowstone and other national parks I like to use GPS guided tours. A book I'm enjoying about effective communication is "Radical Candor". Two of my all-time favorite games are Hollow Knight and Portal: Reloaded.

A reading list to-be-moved eventually:

  1. "Three-Body Problem" series
  2. "How to Have a Good Day"
  3. "Radical Candor"
  4. "The Prize" by Daniel Yergin






My one-page resume is here, and also on my LinkedIn profile.

Some of my code ends up on my Github.

I post perennially on Twitter @AndreyRisuka.

Website template/design shamelessly stolen from James R Wilcox.
© Andrey Risukhin. Last updated: October 2022